6.4 The heapsort algorithm
Initialization: Prior to the first iteration of the loop, i = n, and we called BUILD-MAX-HEAP
on A, thus the subarray A[1..n]
is a max-heap containing the n smallest elements of A[1..n]
, and the subarray A[n + 1..n]
is an empty array, thus it contains n - n = 0 largest elements of A[1..n]
, sorted.
Maintenance: Let's assume prior to the ith iteration of the loop, the subarray A[1..i]
is a max-heap containing the i smallest elements of A[1..n]
, and the subarray A[i + 1,..n]
contains the n - i largest elements of A[1..n]
, sorted.
In the ith loop, A[1]
is the biggest number in the subarray A[1..i]
, in line 3, it exchanges A[1]
and A[i]
, making the subarray A[i..n]
contains the n - i + 1 largest elements of A[1..n]
, sorted. In line 4-5, it calls MAX-HEAPIFY
on A, so it makes the subarray A[1..i - 1]
to a max-heap contains the i - 1 smallest elements of A[1..n]
Termination: At termination, i = 1. By the loop invariant, the subarray A[1..1]
is a max-heap containing the 1 smallest elements of A[1..n]
. And the subarray A[2..n]
contains the n - 1 largest elements of A[1..n]
, sorted. So the array A[1..n]
is sorted.
If the array is in increasing order, then BUILD-MAX-HEAP
takes O(n), and it changes A to a max-heap. Then it calls MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1)
n - 1 times, at each iteration, there are i - 1 elements in the current max-heap, so the running time of for loop is $\sum_{i = n - 1}^{1}\lg{i} = \lg{((n - 1)!)} = \Theta(n\lg{n})$ (exercise 3.2-3). So the total running time is $O(n) + \Theta(n\lg{n}) = \Theta(n\lg{n})$.
If the array is in decreasing order, it takes O(n) to call BUILD-MAX-HEAP
, but it won't change the array. But it still needs $\Theta(n\lg{n})$ running time to call MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1)
. The total running time is also $\Theta(n\lg{n})$.
The worst-case happens when we need to call MAX-HEAPIFY(A, 1)
in each iteration with the cost $\lg{(i - 1)}$. And the answer is given in the above question.
You can find the answer here.