Posted onWord count in article: 415Reading time ≈1 mins.
I tried to resize a Client Web Part with non integers as size, but it failed. And that’s why:
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var regex = RegExp(/(<\s*[Mm]essage\s+[Ss]ender[Ii]d\s*=\s*([\dAaBbCcDdEdFf]{8})(\d{1,3})\s*>[Rr]esize\s*\(\s*(\s*(\d*)\s*([^,\)\s\d]*)\s*,\s*(\d*)\s*([^,\)\s\d]*))?\s*\)\s*<\/\s*[Mm]essage\s*>)/); var results = regex.exec(; if (results == null) return;
The regular expression shows that it doesn’t allow float numbers.
Posted onWord count in article: 1kReading time ≈2 mins.
I’m learning how to upgrade SharePoint App, and I met a problem when I added a new list field in the upgrade.
The document mentioned that if you added a field to a content type in the feature, you should add an AddContentTypeField element to the VersionRange section. But there is no ContentType in my app, it only has a ListDefinition. I tried to add an AddContentTypeField, unfortunately it throws exception.
So I tried another way. The document also mentioned that if you have changed a file that is referenced in an elements manifest file, you have to copy the ElementManifest element for the component from the ElementManifests section to the ApplyElementManifests section. When we added a new field to list, the Schema.xml is changed, although it’s not referenced in a ElementManifest, I still copied MyList/Elements.xml to ApplyElementManifests, so it looks like this:
It tries to find the title element and resize it. But document.getElementById(webPartDivId + '_ChromeTitle') returns null if Chrome Type is None or Border Only!
Because the app part doesn’t have a title under these 2 modes. Of course it will throw exception.
This bug is described here, you can install a patch to fix this bug.
After the patch is installed, you can find that the original code is changed, it will resize the element only if it’s not null:
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if (resizeWidth) { var webPartChromeTitle = document.getElementById(webPartDivId + '_ChromeTitle'); if (null != webPartChromeTitle) { = widthCssText; }
Posted onWord count in article: 3.2kReading time ≈5 mins.
SharePoint App Model provides a new approach to SharePoint development. And here is the question: where to save app data? There are several ways to save data in an app, you can create a list or connect to a database in Windows Azure or set custom properties in AppManifest.xml. But we can also save data to the property bag of a SharePoint web.
Add property to web
Adding custom property to web is easy. Let’s just see the code:
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var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var web = context.get_web();
// Add a new property var props = web.get_allProperties(); props.set_item("MyProperty", "My property value");
// Apply change to web web.update(); context.load(web);
How do we know “MyProperty” is really added to web? We can check it here: http://your_web/_api/web/AllProperties?$select=MyProperty. The result looks like this: